
Saturday, May 28, 2005

In Krakow, Poland

Location: Krakow, Poland
Local Time: 11pm

Alright, here comes a recap. This may very well be my last update from Europe before I make my connecting flights back to Vancouver this Wednesday.

Location: Cesky Krumlov, Česká Republika
Duration: 1 day, 1 night

A great small city perfect for relaxing. Had all the quaint appeal of a small town with all the requirements of a backpacker. At the train station I bunch of us English speakers huddled together for security as we searched for a hotel. I'm not one to bash on Americans (except for fun) but the two American girls in our group personified the stereotype of self-absorbed, bitchy, "why-the-hell-don't-these-people-speak-english" tourists.

The first hostel we went to, which everybody besides me had made reservations for, was fully booked. Because everybody in our group got into town a lot later than anticipated (about 4 or 5 hours), all their rooms had already been given away to other people. Contrast the way the Americans dealt with it compared to the Canadian and 3 Australians in our group. After initial attempts at working a deal (which wasn't going to happen unless the receptionist kicked out somebody from there room... which quickly became apparent that he would not do), the Canadian and Australians worked with the receptionist to find other accomodations in the city. The American girls on the other hand, complained and complained and complained some more. Arguing that they shouldn't have to stick to the "time of arrival" field they filled out with the booking agent, and the 2-hour leeway advertised on the website should be a 1 day leeway instead. Because that's only reasonable that you don't stick to formerly agreed to terms :rolls eyes:

Now I can understand being annoyed at the situation, especially when the booking agent ( i think in this case) charges your credit card for missing a booking. But come on.

After we all moved to another hostel with room, I didn't see the American girls again, which is fine with me. Had a great time with the Canadian (from Winnipeg who is part of the campaign to bring the NHL back to town) and an Aussie who works in the UK doing project management.

Good beers, good scenery, good times.

Location: Ceske Budejovice, Česká Republika
Duration: 1 day

Home of the Budweiser brewery. Not the piss-water Bud we get in North America, but a good tasting Czech lager. Went on a tour and tour guide let me pour my own beer straight from the storage kegs. She kept telling me to drink more. I think she was trying to get me drunk, which under normal circumstances would be fine because she was hot. But there were 6 other people in the tour and I don't perform for crowds ;P

Location: Praha, Česká Republika
Duration: 3 Days, 3 Nights

Did I end up regretting booking three nights at Travellers in Prague? Not at all. Met some great people in that dorm. Not everybody shared my appreciation as one night we had this one guy with what is described as sleep apnea, resulting in really loud, inconsistant snoring. I had been drinking and smoking Shisha (flavoured tobacco) the day before, so I slept right through it.

Made a day trip to Kutna Hora to see the Church of Bones. 40,000 bones - or the bones of 40,000 people, I forget which - were used as decoration inside the church. Quite a morbid, but uniquely interesting, site.

Also, being outside of Prague, we were able to get a good Czech meal for a fraction of the cost. Lunch for 4 people in Kutna Hora was about the same price one person paid for dinner in Prague.

Location: Dresden, Germany
Duration: 2 Days, 1 Night

The days I was in Dresden had to be the hottest days of my trip. Took the opportunity to sunbathe a while in the tall grass next to the river. I didn't realize how large Dresden is. I was prepared for a small town like Cesky Krumlov, instead I get a city where I go to beer gardens (sadly with no 1 litre beers like in Munich), shopping, and movie theatres.

Watching Star Wars Episode 3 in German with a couple of Austrailians? Priceless.

Of course it wasn't all good. I lost my Timmy Ho mug... and me and another dorm mate swear it must have been these other people in our dorm that "mistakenly" took it with them when they checked out.

To make matters worse, I meant to make Dresden my base as I made a few day trips to nearby cities and sites, but there was not a single dorm bed available in the entire city after my first night.

I then decided to have an adventure and jump on an overnight train somewhere. France, Italy, Greece, and Amsterdam all crossed my mind, but since I had to be in Berlin in a few days, I decided somewhere closer: Krakow, Poland, which was on my initial itinerary.

If you've been an avid reader of my blog, you'll know that I cut Poland from my trip because of passport reasons. Technically, I shouldn't be allowed in because my passport isn't valid for at least 6 months. At this point I didn't really care. Everybody I talked to said they don't check that closely, and I figured if I got turned back, I would head to Rugen Island, Germany, and chill out with a story to tell.

I got in Poland. And they stamped my passport (Switzerland, Austria, and France suck because they didn't).

Location: Krakow, Poland
Duration: 1 night and counting (probably just 1 day and 1 night)

Of course, Krakow being one of the most popular (if not THE most popular) tourist destination in Poland, there aren't any dorm beds available here tonight. Darned weekend tourists!

Throwing my money into a cheap hotel as I prepare for my Auschwitz and the Wieliczka Salt Mine trip tomorrow. Then it's on to another overnight train to Berlin... my last stop...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

In Praha, Česká Republika

Location: Praha, Česká Republika (Prague, Czech Republic)
Local time: 1:29pm

Paid for three nights... but might end up regretting it. Travellers hostel here in town is my least favourite hostel I've been to yet, and the only one I couldn't appreciate upon arrival. From the 4 flights of stairs and 3 locked doors you have to get through to get to your room, to the lacklustre kitchen (where you can't even use the fridge), to the unfriendly non-english speaking dormmates (not really the hostel's fault), to the hostel bar that is in another building, I'm really not liking this hostel. Let that be a lesson to you. Pre book your hostel when heading to Prague. Both my prime and my 2 backups were fully booked when I got in town.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still having a blast, just disappointed with the accomodations.

About one week left before I hop on a plane back home... I don't want to leave! You can't make me!

Location: Wein, Österreich (Vienna, Austria)
Duration: 3 nights

Vienna was nice... overall. First day was pissing rain and the wind was blowing like a bitch. Had to take the duct tape to my ruined umbrella after that. I think I'm getting used to all the baroque architecture as it just looked like another city to me. Certainly nicer than the other cities I've been in, especially the old town center, but the effect I think was but a glimmer of what it would have been had I flew into Prague to begin with as I had originally planned.

Not busy staring in amazement at the architecture and sites, I was able to cultivate a more civilized experience consisting of museums, orchestral performances, and Life Bowl 2005.

The museums I went to were art museums (The Leopold and The Modern Art Museum), and despite how I tried, I just could not appreciate most of the "modern" art on display. When it looks like an eight year old could have painted it, I can't buy it being on display in a museum. One painted was a landscape of sky, mountain, lake. It consisted of three horizontal bands of colour. The commentary said that the artist had boiled the landscape down to its base components and captured the true essence of it. It was three fucking bands of colour. I'm all for abstract interpretations, but if this qualifies being displayed in a museum, your better off finding meaning in tracks on a dirt road or something else that's is... you know... free. You can interpret anything you want from anything. You don't need a crappy painting by a talentless hack, you just need a good dose of imagination.

I figured it would be tragic to not attend a classical musical performance being in a city with such a rich musical history as Vienna. I enjoyed it a lot more than I though I would. I've told some people the story of my first musical. This didn't have as large an impact on my, but I still enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Pieces of Strauss and Mozart were featured along with the works of others. The venues (the Hofburg Palace and the Kursalon) were amazing and added to the effect. Who would have that a dude standing on a street in a wig could provide such enjoyment? Get your mind out of the gutter, I just mean that I bought the ticket from a street vendor. Saved myself 7 euros off the box office price and got a voucher for a free drink as well.

Life Bowl 2005 was a fasion show / open air concert. I saw the "Milkshake" girl perform and a bunch of people behind the fence attending what seemed to be one of those posh costume parties. Of note were a guy and girl dressed as characters from "The Incredibles", wearing only boots, panties, and body paint. Also, a girl dressed as a lobster, with huge claws, an awesome head dress, and 3 foot platform shoes stood out.

I had more written about Vienna, Cesky Krumlov, and Ceske Budejovice, but internet problems erased it. I'll try to write it again at some other time.