
Thursday, May 19, 2005

In Wein, Österreich

Location: Wien, Österreich (Vienna, Austria)
Local Time: 3:12pm

The Wombat does it again! Just like in München, the Wombat here in Wien put me up as the sole male in an otherwise all girl dorm. The three I met when I arrived last night were nice enough, but they were all leaving in the morning next morning. The other two ladies in my dorm I still haven't properly met, as they appear to be night owls, waking up at 6pm and crashing back at the room at around 5 in the morning.

Recapping a few things since my last update...

Location: München, Deutschland (Munich)
Duration: 3 days, 2 nights

Since my last update I went to Englisher Garden and watched some nude sunbathers, people surfing in a stream, and other people slamming back 1 litre steins of beer and bratwürst. Nice place. I picked up a souvenir from an unattentive dishwasher... a 1 litre souvenir!

If you're going to G's BBQ bash on June 4, you'll see me bringing it along.

I also took a trip to Füssen and visited Schlass Neuschwanstein, the partially completed castle of "mad" King Ludwig II in the late 1800's, and allegedly the inspiration for the Disney castle. Pictures were not allowed inside the castle, but (being the rebel that I am) I took some candid ones anyways. They didn't turn out so great, although a few were unintentionally quite nice from an artistic perspective... if I do say so myself.

Location: Passau, Deutschland
Duration: One night... and a bit

Passau was just supposed to be a transfer station on my way back to Austria. However, I met up with a few drunken German students (Germans, or at least the Germans I have met, are the nicest drunks in the world). Seeing as I had no place to sleep - I didn't think I would need one as my train was leaving at 4 in the morning - one of the girls offered her house to me.

I ended up delightfully missing my train in the morning.

Monday, May 16, 2005


I forgot to mention my day trips to Luzern, Switzerland, and the Swarovsky Krystallwelten (Crystal Worlds) in my previous postings, so here you go.

Location: Luzern, Switzerland
Duration: One afternoon

ImageStation Album: Link

Luzern (Lucerne) I only stopped in for the afternoon on my way to Zurich. Mark Twain described the Lion of Luzern as "the saddest and most moving piece of rock in the world". I am inclined to agree. The posture and expression on the animal as a broken spear jutts from its side is full of emotion. Being carved out of the face of a giant rock wall lends the image even more power, and the quiet lake in front of it and the trees surrounding it adds to the sombre mood. The feelings evoked by the entire experience are ... undescribable. Taking into account the fact that it is a monument to an arguably pointless sacrifice mixes the emotions further. Luzern is worth visiting if only for the lion.

(Note: HELVETIORUM FIDEI AC VIRTUTI is the inscription on the monument that translates to: "To the loyalty and courage of the Swiss")

Of course, that's not the only thing Luzern has to offer. The main thing that also caught my eye were the two bridges that connect the old town centre to the rest of the city. Disturbing paintings of death and dismemberment look down upon you as you cross either bridge. If I knew more about the history of the city, or if I were able to read the captions, it may shed light on its significance. But as it is, the bridges are just a peculiar site seen during my trip.

Location: Krystallwelten in Watton, Austria
Duration: 1 afternoon
ImageStation Album: Link

I guess I can describe Krystallwelton (Crystal Worlds) as an art exhibit where all the exhibits make use of Swarovky crystals. All of the exhibits are shiny and some look amazing, some seem ripped out of a cheesy sci-fi film, while others are so fantastical that it makes you wonder what the artist was smoking when (s)he designed it.

But the real story behind this daytrip is how I got to the location. It was supposed to be a 15 minute train ride followed by a 20 minute walk. It ended up taking me about 2 hours to get there.

First, I was distracted on the train (don't ask) and missed my stop. Getting off at the next stop, I found out that it would be an hour before the next train would arrive. I decided to explore the small town I was in. Nothing to write home about really, besides some of the younger children yelling and pointing at me. Waiting at the train station, I figured that if I only had to go back one stop, I could probably hike there and save myself some cash and do a little sight seeing. Or I could sneak on board the train and hope that they don't check my ticket. (Being a cheap bastard, paying for the ticket was out of the equation). Chose to hike; took me about 40 minutes and I figure it was about 5 km. How many cool sites was I able to leisurly peruse? None. Nothing made me want to stop and stare, although part of that may be because it was freaking hot and I had lost my cap a few days before.

The things I will do to save €2.

A Day of Loss

Location: München, Deutschland
Local Time: 11:40am

Stayed at the Wombat here in Munchen. Got put in a dorm where it was me and 4 ladies. (SWEET!) Do you think other hostels will group me in similar dorms if I ask nicely? Because women are less likely to snore than a bunch of smelly guys, of course. No other reason...

Location: München, Deutschland
Duration: 2 days, 2 nights, and counting

Yesterday was a field day for the conflict between hope and depression.

I started out heading to Dachau with one of my English-lady dormmates, Kate. For those who don't know, Dachau was the site of the original concentration camp upon which all others were modeled.

We left the hostel at 10am and didn't get back until about 5:30pm. If they weren't closing the site for the night, we would have been there for many hours more. There was just so much to see and learn. We weren't able to go on the guided tour (we should have reserved our spots and THEN go for coffee, not the other way around) but were able to follow along a comprehensive audio guide and the many plaques.

What's left of the camp today is different from what it would have looked like up to 1945, but reading the detailed accounts and memoirs... you can almost see it.

After Dachau I dragged along Kate and another English girl she met at her new dorm (she switched to a cheaper hostel) with me as I searched for the elusive "ARC". The only bar in town I was told would show the Gold medal game for sure (If you have to ask, "what gold medal game" you are not Canadian). Finally found it (it's nice travelling with somebody who studies languages and can talk to the locals fluently) and was excited to get a good hockey fix.

Then the game ended. And I was depressed.