
Monday, May 02, 2005

Europe Travel Log - YVR

I brought a little notebook with me that I crack open and jot in whenever there's a lull. I'll transcribe the text here whenever I get a chance. Beware, my impromptu writing is awfully long winded.


Vancouver Airport - May 1, 11pm
I'm sitting on a plane right now preparing to fly to London. The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

On my way to the airport, I realized that I had forgotten to pack my razor. Simple enough to replace, I figure, but we shall see. Will I live to rue the day that I forgot to pack my razor? Or has not packing it unknowingly saved me tonnes of trouble at customs? Back to the plane, I am sat next to a middle-aged asian couple. They seem nigh enought, but it's certainly no hot blonde from Georgia. Taking into account the law of averages, I suppose this means that I have something to look forward to. Hopefully, the payout won't come after a long day's travel while I am sporting a day's worth of stubble and musk.

As I entered the airport, the line to the Air Transat counter was a huge anomaly. A slow moving giant in the midst of quick, light-footed Tolkien hobbits.

The pre-trip jitters have definitely given way to excitement. At least, I think it's excitement. There's a pressure raising in my chest. It doesn't constrict, but rather it's more like an untapped energy source itching to be released. The itch rises and ebbs; it hasn't reached a tumult yet, but the potential cannot be denied. A last minute rush to make paper copies of all my digital travel information was ground to a halt by my quirky printer at home. After nearly 14 years of service, perhaps it's time to retire my Canon Bubblejet - the bubbles having long since lost their optimal surface tension, resulting in a haphazard collage of black ink.


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